This project helped the Fraser Lake Community Forest transport uneconomic residual waste fibre to the Pinnacle Pellet plant in Burns Lake. With FESBC funding, the intended output was to remove 17,838 cubic meters of pulp wood from the landscape and for the Fraser Lake Community Forest to sell it to Pinnacle Pellet. Removing the fibre from the landbase provided three benefits for
the Fraser Lake Community Forest: first, there was economic opportunity to the local area, second, the integrated haul project allowed for a significant reduction in the amount dead and downed pine left on the landscape, and third, the removal of wood that would have been left on site to decay reduced the amount wildfire risk. The utilization of the low value fibre created jobs in the community forest and supported the achievement of B.C.'s and Canada's climate change targets by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
OrganizationThe Corporation of the Village of Fraser Lake
PurposeLeaving Less Harvest Waste
Closest CommunityFraser Lake
Job Estimate1 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate7793 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$100,818
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