
Taking Action on Climate Change

FESBC invests in projects throughout the province of British Columbia that better utilize harvest wood waste to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a nature-based tool, forestry can make a significant impact in taking action on climate change.

Projects That Take Action on Climate Change

Improving Forest Health

Insect infestation, wildfire, and weather can damage forests. FESBC invests in projects that rehabilitate forests to restore them not only for timber, but other values such as habitat to support wildlife, recreational pursuits, and more.

Projects That Improve Forest Health

Leaving Less Harvest Waste

In years past, much wood waste from harvesting operations was piled and burned in slash piles. Today, FESBC invests in innovative projects that take this waste and enhance the utilization of it to create green energy.

Projects That Leave Less Harvest Waste

Enhancing Wildlife Habitat

Our forests are home for a diverse range of species which make up the ecology of a living forest. FESBC invests in thoughtful projects throughout the province that seek to restore and enhance habitat for fish and wildlife.

Projects That Enhance Habitat For Wildlife

Reducing Wildfire Risk

In recent years, wildfires in British Columbia have caused devasting impacts to communities, wildlife, and critical infrastructure. FESBC invests in projects that reduce wildfire risk to help better protect communities.

Projects That Reduce Wildfire Risks

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.