Fibre Recovery in Baker Mountain Road Area

Project Number: #FR0000128

This project aims to reduce wildfire risk and enhance wildlife habitat in a 143 hectare area adjacent to the City of Cranbrook and the Cranbrook Community Forest. The goal is to recover 11,000 cubic metres of pulp and sawlogs in addition to any residual fibre for use as biomass. This activity will remove wildfire fuel loading and result in a more open forest with higher timber and increased wildlife values.

OrganizationBCTS Kootenay Business Area
PurposeLeaving Less Harvest Waste
RegionKootenay Boundary
Closest CommunityCranbrook
Job Estimate1 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate11000 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$100,345
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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.