Responding to the Climate Crisis in BC’s Forests in BC Forest Professional Magazine

Published On Jan 8, 2024

In the winter issue of the BC Forest Professionals magazine, Colin Mahony, PhD, RPF, a BC Ministry of Forests Research Climatologist and Team Lead of the Future Forest Ecosystems Centre (FFEC*), has shared an opinion piece as part of a series on climate change and forestry. The first article in this series by FESBC Operations Manager, Brian Watson, was published in the Fall edition, titled “A practical case for utilizing low value fibre derived from logging”.

In the Winter Issue, Mahoney writes on how he sees a clear message for forest professionals: there is some level of climate heating where the impacts become overwhelming and adaptation measures fall apart, and we work on adaptation, we must also advocate for the conditions under which adaptation is possible — a stable climate.

He writes, “BC’s forest professionals are emerging as leaders in climate change adaptation. We also need to be leaders in securing the conditions
under which adaptation is possible.”

*The FFEC is a new scientific team in the Office of the Chief Forester that is focused on forecasting climate change impacts on BC’s forest ecosystems and their multiple values.

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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.