Whitebark pine is listed as an Endangered Species under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) due to the impacts of white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle, fire
suppression, and global climate change. The tree species is considered to have high biodiversity values and is
suitable for planting on marginal high elevation sites where wildfire has reduced forest cover. Whitebark pine is also ecologically important and a key forage source for Grizzly Bears but there's currently
insufficient seed stock to support broad-scale management and recovery efforts. This project helped to implement and launch a large-scale seed collection effort to support future recovery work. Activities included cone surveys, cone protection, seed collection, and seedling planting.
OrganizationYellow Point Propagation
PurposeImproving Forest Health
Closest CommunityVarious
Job Estimate2 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$180,945
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