The project was locally supported to achieve long-term restoration objectives in areas within the Yakoun River drainage. One of Taan Forest’s goals is to have a permanent silviculture crew on Haida Gwaii comprised of members of the Haida Nation. The project was also focused on restoring wildlife habitat for salmon, black bear, and raptors while creating employment opportunities and enhancing the value of forest products such as western red cedar. Throughout the young stands identified for spacing treatments, there was very little black bear activity due to the high density of trees. The riparian work and spacing created new access for the black bear and fertilization will increase growth and shorten time frames for the area to have trees and logs that can be utilized by the black bear for denning sites. 28,190 hectares of the Timber Harvest Land Base also falls within potentially valuable goshawk habitat, much of it being young second growth stands. Silviculture practices, to enhance growth, habitat, and mimic mature or old growth attributes, will benefit goshawks, which prefer to hunt in mature stands. THE CHALLENGE: On Haida Gwaii, there were areas where the density of the trees prevented the natural foraging and other activities of black bears and goshawks. THE OUTCOME: Thinning of trees was done by Haida forest workers to improve the area for wildlife, especially the hunting areas for Northern Goshawks and denning sites for black bears. The work also promoted the growth of economically and culturally important cedar trees.
OrganizationTaan Forest
PurposeEnhancing Wildlife Habitat
RegionWest Coast
Closest CommunityMasset
Job Estimate3 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$377,044
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