Through this funding, over 60 hectares of treatment areas were identified and tree thinning work was completed, lowering the fuel loading and fire hazard rating for these areas. Much of the project site was occupied by moderate to high density stands--high risks for wildfires. The area is often impacted by snow, ice
damage, and Spruce budworm and the stand itself has been suppressed with trees of small diameter which has led to an environment limiting forage opportunities for wildlife. The Williams Lake Community Forest (WLCF) is situated in two separate geographic areas around the City of Williams Lake covering a total of 288 square kilometres. As a 50/50 partnership between the Williams Lake First Nation and the City of Williams Lake, the
community forest is a vital resource having contributed both financial support as well as employment opportunities into the communities since 2014.
OrganizationWilliams Lake Community Forest LP
PurposeImproving Forest Health
RegionCariboo Region
Closest CommunityWilliams Lake
Job Estimate3 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$314,751
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