Faces of Forestry: Willow Ellsworth, RFT

Published On Jan 23, 2025

Faces of Forestry is an initiative of the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) to highlight people doing great work to enhance our forests throughout British Columbia. This month, we feature Willow Ellsworth, Log Yard and Waste Supervisor at NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd (NorthPac).

Willow’s love for the outdoors inspired her to pursue a career in forestry, leading her to earn a diploma in Environmental Resources Technology (ERT) from the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) in 2019.

“I have always enjoyed hiking and being in nature. When NVIT was offering the ERT program in Kitimat, I was looking to make a change, so I took a chance and enrolled,” she said. “It was one of the best decisions I have ever made as it has opened the door to this amazing career. I have learnt so much and met so many great people in forestry.”

Willow began her forestry career at BC Timber Sales, focusing on harvest conformance, silviculture, planning, and log scaling. She later joined the Ministry of Forests in the Authorizations department, working on road permits, cruising, and log scaling.

In March 2022, she furthered her education, obtaining her Registered Forest Technologist (RFT) designation, as well as her Interior Log Scaling license in July of that same year.

She started working with NorthPac in 2021 as a Forest Technologist and within less than a year, she transitioned to the role of Shipping Coordinator. By September 2023, she had become the Log Yard and Waste Supervisor.

“My role is dynamic and continually expanding. I am the supervisor at Poirier Log Yard, owned by Coast Tsimshian Resources LP (CTR) and managed by NorthPac,” explained Willow.

In her role, Willow oversees the daily operations, collaborates with contractors and logging truck drivers, and manages inventory for log sales and all volume passing through the yard. She has scaled both Ministry samples and loads at their piece-scale site, which involves measuring the volume and determining the quality of logs before they are manufactured. She also supervises NorthPac’s Waste and Residue department, managing multiple contractors conducting waste surveys and presenting simplified waste survey submissions.

Additionally, Willow manages NorthPac’s rail program at the Kitsumkalum Railyard in Terrace, British Columbia. This includes coordinating with CN Rail, various customers, and contractors, as well as tracking inventory.

Currently, FESBC is funding three projects for NorthPac focused on increasing fibre utilization and forest operations, mitigating wildfire, and reducing waste and residue. Although similar in nature, each project has its distinct focus.

“I am primarily involved in the CTR and NorthPac’s fibre utilization project,” Willow noted. “Initially, we were shipping sawlogs via log cars to Dunkley, and the program has since expanded to introducing a chipper on site and shipping chips to Canfor in Prince George. The funding from FESBC has enabled NorthPac to haul pulp logs and small tops that are usually left to burn in the bush.”

Thanks to this project and FESBC’s support, NorthPac and CTR have recovered significantly more wood waste material, contributing to more efficient forest management.

“As a member of the Lax Kw’alaams band, the owner of CTR, I am proud to be part of these projects and to have achieved what I have so far in my career,” Willow added.

Throughout her forestry career, Willow has enjoyed continuous learning and growth, always pushing herself to accomplish more.

“Forestry is continually evolving with new ideas, science, and technologies. I love that aspect of this career. There are always new things to learn and there are so many different roles to work in. I have been really enjoying the rail aspect of my position; it is such an innovative, collaborative, progressive and exciting program to be part of,” she said.

For her, continuing to empower and build relationships with others is vital to ensuring the future of our forests.

“This work is so important for future generations. Sustainable forest management is in everyone’s best interests. I think it’s fantastic that NorthPac has such amazing partnerships with First Nations in Northwest B.C.”

Thank you, Willow, for your dedication to community-driven forestry practices and for helping to shape a brighter future for our forests.

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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.