This project enhanced recovery and utilization of fibre by supporting the transportation of uneconomic fibre to Atlantic Power for use to generate electricity. Recovery also contributed to greenhouse gas emission reduction by avoiding pile burning and reducing the need for other means of electricity generation. The Power plant was originally built to assist the forest industry in replacing beehive burners. Over the years, the vast majority of the power plant fibre needs were met by local sawmills. More recently, the fibre demand has to be met by utilization of fibre from the forests directly, resulting in a demand for "bush run" wood fibre. This project assisted Atlantic Power in running their facility and providing power to upwards of 50,000 homes in British Columbia during a 12 month operating period. The fibre utilized by Atlantic Power is uneconomic and generally otherwise is burnt in residual waste wood pile burning. This project maintained local employment, power generation and many other ancillery benefits for the City of Williams Lake and it's residents along the San Jose valley.
OrganizationAtlantic Power (Williams Lake) Ltd
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
RegionCariboo Region
Closest CommunityWilliams Lake
Job Estimate9 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate67000 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$1,007,331
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