This collaborative project is focused on wildfire fuel management treatments to create a landscape level fuel break in a 12-hectare area along Lasca Creek Road. This treatment will reduce the tree density and woody fuel in order to lower the wildfire risk to the adjacent area and West Arm Park. It is anticipated this prescription will provide a shaded fuel break and will reduce the risk of wildfire to the adjacent properties and community, protecting the area and park values. A shaded fuel break would provide opportunities for BC Wildfire crews to have a chance to fight a fire starting in the park, reduce the threat to the adjacent community, and protect park values if the fire started in the community and spread into the park.
OrganizationBC Parks - Kootenay
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
RegionKootenay Boundary
Closest CommunityNelson
Job Estimate1 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$85,156
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