Terrace Community Forest Silviculture Strategy Treatments

Project Number: #FC0000612

This project aims to thin young stands within the Terrace Community Forest (TCF) tenure and rehabilitate low-value forests, enhance wildlife habitat, and increase the opportunity to recover wood fibre for other uses--such as pellet production. The information learned from this project is being shared to benefit other forested areas of the Coast Mountains Resource District. Without some form of silviculture treatment, the area would be left with its current composition resulting in delayed availability of trees for harvest and increased amount of underutilized fibre. Without treatment, the Community Forest’s allowable annual cut volume is reduced which lowers overall financial benefits for the community through revenue generation.

OrganizationTerrace Community Forest LLP
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
Closest CommunityTerrace
Job Estimate4 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$447,392
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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.