This project will rehabilitate several small but significant sections of the riparian zone adjacent to the Cowichan River. The area will be prescribed and treated to improve and restore part of the riparian ecosystem within the Cowichan Tribes traditional territories that are outside of the Timber Harvesting Land Base to a higher level of ecosystem functionality in accordance with Cowichan First Nations cultural values. A secondary objective will be to increase the carbon stocks of the restored site over the mid-to-long term. Older mature Red Alder will be thinned by felling some of the stems, which will be left on site for habitat and coarse woody debris. Large cedar and spruce seedlings 60cm tall will be planted by Band members and over time these will be brushed out so they grow quickly into mature forests. These mature forests represent a species mix that is more culturally desired by the Cowichan Tribes.
OrganizationThe Cowichan Tribes
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
RegionWest Coast
Closest CommunityDuncan
Job Estimate2 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$246,519
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