There are two locations for this wildfire risk reduction project--Kokanee Creek (near the community of Longbeach) and Smallwood Creek (near the community of Beasley). Kokanee Creek is on the west arm of
Kootenay Lake located approximately 20 km north of Nelson, and Smallwood Creek is located about 14 km west of Nelson. The areas near Kokanee Creek have been identified as high to extreme risk for wildfire. The areas located near Smallwood are identified as moderate to extreme and both project areas are adjacent to private lots containing infrastructure. Project activity aims to reduce wildfire risk by removing high hazard fuels, retaining fire resistant tree species, and reducing crown closure and removing surface fuels post harvesting.
OrganizationBCTS Kootenay Business Area
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
RegionKootenay Boundary
Closest CommunityNelson
Job Estimate5 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$609,406
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