North Island Fiber Utilization Trial

Project Number: #FC0001080

This project enabled low-grade pulp fibre that would otherwise be burned to be recovered and utilized by the Nanaimo Forest Products Limited, Harmac Pacific pulp mill. The fibre was trucked and barged in whole log form to the facility. The project enabled the utilization of approximately 4,000 cubic meters of residual fibre from BC Timber Sales blocks where harvesting was completed in the Mackjack Creek area. This project helped to support the Province’s greenhouse gas reduction targets.

OrganizationLions Gate Forest Products Limited
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
RegionWest Coast
Closest CommunityPort Hardy
Job Estimate1 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate1962 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$38,523
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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.