This project involved planning, strategic harvesting and tree thinning to address wildfire threat and suppression access inside the Joe Rich community wildland-urban interface. The project has the support of the broader community and also took into account mule deer winter range. Very complex planning was required to address
government objectives. Modelling for wildfire threat and the use of state of the art LIDAR technology for prescribing the tree retention levels were also used to create the wildfire protection plan. Small scale forest thinning using chainsaws in areas adjacent to private property, combined with a fire access trail and modified timber harvesting areas were used for this successful project.
OrganizationTolko Industries Ltd.
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
RegionThompson Okanagan
Closest CommunityKelowna
Job Estimate9 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$1,029,370
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