Jewel Lake is a popular recreational area for tourists and local residents attracting thousands of campers, boaters, fishers, and cottagers every year. There is also a population of permanent residents who reside at Jewel
Lake all year. The West Boundary Community Forest is on the north and south facing slopes of this lake valley.
This project is focused on reducing the volume of wildfire fuel accumulated over the years that is now posing a high risk to the area. There's only one road providing access into and out of this residential and recreational area, which poses a significant problem in the case of a wildfire. Reducing fuel loading will increase safety for both residents and visitors and help protect the area in the event of a wildfire.
OrganizationWest Boundary Community Forest
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
RegionKootenay Boundary
Closest CommunityGreenwood
Job Estimate2 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$254,100
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