Babine Lake Community Forest (BLCF) is held in equal partnership between Lake Babine Nation and the Village of Granisle. Together they are mitigating wildfire risk and creating a protection zone around the village by planting a buffer of deciduous trees. Previous community wildfire protection plans recommended treatments around the perimeter of the Village located inside the BLCF boundary. This plan meets the Village’s goal of reducing the wildfire hazard associated with the mature conifer stands close to the community and creating a long-term wildfire hazard mitigation solution in establishing a protection zone around the Village. Planting the area with deciduous trees, like birch, will result in stands less susceptible to extreme wildfire behaviour and allow for forest and economic diversification.
OrganizationBabine Lake Community Forest Society
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
Closest CommunityGranisle
Job Estimate3 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$401,450
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