This project enables the utilization of residual uneconomic and marginal fibre that would otherwise be burned. The project’s primary purpose is to reduce emissions that normally result from traditional timber harvesting residual pile burning. This residual fibre is currently uneconomical due to the high costs of logging and transportation associated with low-value residual fibre. Starting in December 2019 and continuing over the next 1 ½ years, this project will utilize approximately 51,000m³ of low-grade uneconomic logs (including pulp logs) that would otherwise be burned. These logs will be made available at market prices to coastal pulp mills. The project will be implemented on Taan Forest licenses to support increased utilization and decreased emissions, Provincial climate change objectives and create employment within Haida Gwaii and beyond. Taan Forest is 100% Haida owned.
OrganizationTaan Forest
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
RegionWest Coast
Closest CommunityQueen Charlotte City
Job Estimate9 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate51000 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$1,080,000
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