The project area of about 155 hectares is home to the Burns Lake Mountain Bike Park and Trails and a small campground. The area is heavily used by recreational hikers and is known as a world-class mountain biking destination. As such, the area is managed to maintain the enjoyment and safety of these recreational activities.
The area was heavily impacted by mountain pine beetle and the deadfall and fuel loading had become a considerable hazard. The adjacent forests also had a high level of fuel loading and the entire area is subject to
trees falling over from dead and rotting beetle-attacked pine. The goal of this project was to reduce fuel loading
and wildfire risk while maintaining recreational values.
OrganizationBurns Lake Community Forest Ltd.
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
Closest CommunityBurns Lake
Job Estimate3 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$338,298
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