Skeena Sawmills undertook an economic feasibility study to evaluate whether residual waste leftover from thinning immature stands could be used as a biomass source in the form of pellets, with the goal of reducing carbon emissions by avoiding the use of coal to generate energy. The harvesting activity of pre-thinning densely forested areas also resulted in increased long-term forest health and productivity, leading to additional carbon sequestration (storage) benefits. Thinning of stands accelerated the development of old-growth forest characteristics by encouraging the growth of larger diameter trees and resulted in improved wildlife habitat.
OrganizationSkeena Sawmills Ltd.
PurposeTaking Action on Climate Change
Closest CommunityTerrace
Job Estimate3 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Volume Estimate6065 Cubic Meters
Approved Funding$408,940
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