Big White Interface Fuel Break Treatments

Project Number: #WR0000192

Close to 100 hectares at Big White Ski Resort were treated to minimize potential home, resort infrastructure and business loss due to wildfire, and ensure the resort’s continued contribution to the economy. The treatments will also help to protect part of the mountain’s only escape route. The areas will be harvested to create a visually pleasing, more open forested area that is unable to support intense fire behaviour. The treated area will also increase access and safety for any future fire suppression activities using recommendations from the 2010 Big White Resort Wildfire Protection Plan.

OrganizationDavies Wildfire Management Inc
PurposeReducing Wildfire Risk
RegionThompson Okanagan
Closest CommunityBig White Ski Resort
Job Estimate4 (Direct, Indirect & Induced FTE’s)
Approved Funding$515,760
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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.