PacBio Complete McBride Residual Fibre Recovery Project

Published On Jun 8, 2020

McBride Mayor Eugene ‘Gene’ Runtz says, “This project was a triple win for McBride. We all breathed easier when we learned that the fibre would be used at PacBio’s plant in Prince George instead of being burned and filling the air in McBride with wood smoke. We all celebrated the grinding and trucking jobs for local residents that came with the project. PacBio told us they would hire local whenever possible and they were true to their word. The project also presented new opportunities for local businesses. PacBio hired local contractors for road maintenance, fibre sorting and truck loading, and rented land at a local business to inventory fibre before it was trucked to Prince George. Opportunities like these are important for a small community like ours and we thank PacBio for making it all possible.”

The McBride Residual Fibre Recovery Project was completed with the support of the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FES). FES is an agency established by the Province of BC to help reforest and sustain BC forests. PacBio applied for funding to partially offset the trucking costs for utilizing fibre outside PacBio’s normal economic range to make the project feasible. FES knew that the community was behind the project and that made it even easier to support.

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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.