FESBC Names New Board Chair and Appoints New Board Members

Published On Dec 13, 2022

– Dave Peterson Elected Chair of the Board –

KAMLOOPS, B.C.: The Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC), a leader in supporting Indigenous groups, local communities, contractors and companies to implement innovative forestry projects with immense and lasting social, economic and environmental benefits, is pleased to announce the new Board Chair and appointment of five new Directors.

Current FESBC Directors Sarah Fraser, Brian Banfill (Treasurer) and Dave Peterson will continue to serve British Columbians on the FESBC Board. Five new Directors have been appointed to the Board: Trish Dohan (Secretary), Ian Meier, John Massier, Ken Day, and Michael Kelly. Each board member brings a unique perspective, extensive expertise, and a commitment to drive forestry solutions that will benefit British Columbians. Information on each of the Board members can be found on FESBC’s website.

Steve Kozuki, FESBC’s Executive Director said, “We worked with others to recruit the new FESBC Directors, including the Union of BC Municipalities and the BC First Nations Forestry Council. The result is increased diversity and stronger voices for communities and Indigenous perspectives, while retaining our connections to government and industry.”

Dave Peterson, soon to be retired as the Assistant Deputy Minister of Community Disaster Recovery, Lytton in the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, has been elected as the new Chair of the Board of Directors for FESBC.

“When I was a young forester, Dave was a prominent senior leader in the forest industry. I was in awe of his strong presence and strategic orientation. I then watched Dave make a big impact when he joined the BC Public Service. Dave has really inspired me over the years. I am so delighted to now work directly with Dave in his role as the Chair of the FESBC Board of Directors,” said Kozuki.

Among other things, Dave was the President of the Cariboo Lumber Manufacturers Association and held senior positions in the forest industry. Before moving to Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, Peterson was the Assistant Deputy Minister of Rural Development, Lands and Innovation within the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, and he was also temporarily appointed as the Deputy Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in 2013. He has served on the FESBC Board of Directors since its inception.

“I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of FESBC,” said Peterson. “I am honoured to carry on the excellent legacy of the previous Chairs, Wayne Clogg and Jim Snetsinger, and to build off the strong foundation they have created.”

Jim Snetsinger, who served as the previous Board Chair, will be stepping down. Wayne Clogg, who was the Board Chair before Snetsinger, will also be stepping off the board.

“We are grateful to Jim and Wayne for serving on the FESBC Board for the maximum term of six years. They are well-known and respected in the B.C. forest sector, and we thank them for helping make FESBC successful by providing their knowledge, experience and wise leadership,” noted Kozuki.

The new board successfully transitioned into their roles on December 1, 2022.

For an interview with FESBC contact:

Aleece Laird, Communications Liaison | communications@fesbc.ca | 250.574.0221

About FESBC: the purposes of FESBC are to advance environmental and resource stewardship of B.C.’s forests by: preventing and mitigating the impact of wildfires; improving damaged or low-value forests; improving habitat for wildlife; supporting the use of fibre from damaged and low-value forests; and treating forests to improve the management of greenhouse gases. As of March 2022, FESBC has supported 263 projects valued at $238 million, in partnership with the governments of B.C. and Canada.

FESBC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the

Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.


Recent News

The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.