62 Forestry Projects Throughout B.C. Led by Indigenous Peoples

Published On Dec 1, 2021

Indigenous Peoples Sharing Perspectives

BRITISH COLUMBIA: With a deep connection to the land and a multi-generational perspective on sustainability, it is natural that Indigenous peoples throughout British Columbia have stepped up to lead so many projects that protect communities from wildfire, enhance wildlife habitat, reduce greenhouse gases, and more. A new Accomplishments Update released by the Forest Enhancement Society of BC (FESBC) highlights 62 FESBC-funded projects led by Indigenous peoples.

“The projects highlighted in the Accomplishments Update have facilitated the participation of Indigenous peoples in the forest economy and, through their leadership in these projects, they have a larger voice in the stewardship of the land for future generations,” said Jim Snetsinger, RPF, FESBC Board Chair. 

Snetsinger notes FESBC is seeing Indigenous values and interests increasingly reflected in project outcomes.

“These 62 projects, plus 23 others funded by FESBC that involve First Nations, are demonstrating approaches that harmonize traditional and modern forestry practices in community wildfire risk management, ensuring the wise utilization of wood fibre, increasing the opportunity to enhance the production of food sources from forests, and more.”

Projects range from wildfire risk reduction and wildlife habitat enhancement to the increased utilization of wood fibre and rehabilitating forests, with each producing an array of environmental, economic, and social benefits. Steve Kozuki, RPF, FESBC Executive Director points to a social benefit emerging that was perhaps unexpected.

Chief Joe Alphonse and FESBC Executive Director discuss forestry projects funded by FESBC and led by Central Chilcotin Rehabilitation

“Indigenous people are sharing their perspectives about the inter-connectedness of everything in our world,” said Kozuki. “Traditional cost/benefit analyses tend to emphasize things that can be measured such as job creation, economic activity, animal populations, etc.  Although social benefits may be difficult to quantify, they may be just as important.”

To learn more about the forest enhancement projects led by Indigenous peoples, FESBC has uploaded a digital copy of the Accomplishments Report at https://bit.ly/FESBCWinter2021Update.

For an interview with FESBC regarding FESBC-funded projects led by Indigenous peoples contact:

Aleece Laird, Communications Liaison | communications@fesbc.ca | 250.574.0221

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The Forest Enhancement Society of BC would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Forests.